Brain Injuries: Cognitive, Behavioral and Cellular Outcome
Prof. Chaim G. (Chagi) Pick, Ph.D.
Department of Anatomy and Anthropology
Prof. Chaim G. (Chagi) Pick, Ph.D.
Department of Anatomy and Anthropology
My group has a long history in mTBI research, not only in characterizing behavioral and biochemical sequelae of blunt head trauma, but also in developing preclinical models of mTBI of translational relevance to support the development of new treatment strategies and drugs. In order to look for answers regarding the blast induced traumatic brain injury, we have developed a blast injury model for mice that resembles, as much as possible, the conditions on the battlefield or at a terror-attack site. As such, the outcomes of the “real-life-like” exposure to the blast in our model may vary from severe to mild brain injury under controlled conditions for each mouse.